Urine nicotine in the range of 1000 to 5000 ng/mL with cotinine in the range of 1000 to 8000 ng/mL indicates the subject is either actively using a tobacco product or on high-dose nicotine patch therapy.
The presence of anabasine and nornicotine indicates a subject on patch therapy who is actively using a tobacco product.
Typical findings are as follows:
While using a tobacco product:
-Peak nicotine concentration: 1000 to 5000 ng/mL
-Peak cotinine concentration: 1000 to 8000 ng/mL
-Anabasine concentration: 10 to 500 ng/mL
-Nornicotine concentration: 30 to 900 ng/mL
Tobacco user after 2 weeks complete abstinence:
-Nicotine concentration: <30 ng/mL
-Cotinine concentration: <50 ng/mL
-Anabasine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL
-Nornicotine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL
Nontobacco user with passive exposure:
-Nicotine concentration: <20 ng/mL
-Cotinine concentration: <20 ng/mL
-Anabasine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL
-Nornicotine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL
Nontobacco user with no passive exposure:
-Nicotine concentration: <5.0 ng/mL
-Cotinine concentration: <5.0 ng/mL
-Anabasine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL
-Nornicotine concentration: <2.0 ng/mL