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Synonyms, Keywords
Test Components
26324HIBSGSOHaemophilus influenzae Type B Antibody, IgG, Serum (HIBSG)

​H. influenzae Antibody
Haemophilus influenzae B Vaccine Response
HIB (Haemophilus influenzae Type B) Vaccine Response

26056CHR5SOHair Exposure Drug Test 5 Panel (ChildGuard 5)

​ChildGuard, Hair Exposure, Child Advocacy


Amphetamines (amphetamine, MDA, MDEA, MDMA, methamphetamine), Cannabinoids (cannabidiol,carboxy-THC, native-THC), Cocaine (benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene, cocaine, norococaine), Opiates (6-MAM, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine), Phencyclidine (PCP)
26531CHR14SOHair Nails Exposure Test 14 (ChildGuard 14)

​ChildGuard, Hair Exposure, Nail Exposure, Child Advocacy

Amphetamines (amphetamine, MDA, MDEA, MDMA, methamphetamine), Cannabinoids (cannabidiol,carboxy-THC, native-THC), Cocaine (benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene, cocaine, norococaine), Opiates (6-MAM, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine), Phencyclidine (PCP), Benzadiazepines (alprazolam, diazepam, midazolam, nordiazepam, oxazepam, temazepam), Barbiturates (amobarbital, butalbital, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital​),  Methadone (methadone, EDDP), Propoxyphene (propoxyphene, norpropoxyphene), Oxycodone​ (oxymorphone, noroxycodone​), Meperidine (normeperidine), Tramadol, Fentanyl (fentanyl, norfentanyl, alfentanil, acetyl fentanyl, acety norfentanyl, sufentanil, norsufentanil), Sufentanil (norsufentanil, sufentanil)

26532CHR15SOHair Nails Exposure Test 15 (ChildGuard 15)

​ChildGuard, Hair Exposure, Nail Exposure, Child Advocacy

Amphetamines (amphetamine, MDA, MDEA, MDMA, methamphetamine), Cannabinoids (cannabidiol,carboxy-THC, native-THC), Cocaine (benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene, cocaine, norococaine), Opiates (6-MAM, codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine), Phencyclidine (PCP), Benzadiazepines (alprazolam, diazepam, midazolam, nordiazepam, oxazepam, temazepam), Barbiturates (amobarbital, butalbital, pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital​),  Methadone (methadone, EDDP), Propoxyphene (propoxyphene, norpropoxyphene), Oxycodone​ (oxymorphone, noroxycodone​), Meperidine (normeperidine), Tramadol, Fentanyl (fentanyl, norfentanyl, alfentanil, acetyl fentanyl, acety norfentanyl, sufentanil, norsufentanil), Sufentanil (norsufentanil, sufentanil), Ketamine (ketamine, norketamine)

22203HALOPSOHaloperidol, Serum (HALO)
Haldol®​ (Haloperidol), HALO

​Haloperidol, Reduced Haloperidol

26382HAZSOHazelnut- Tree, IgE, Serum (HAZ)

​Corylus avellane, Hazelnut- Tree, IgE, Serum (HAZ)

22677HCG-QNTHCG, Total, Quantitative
​​Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, HCG, Serum, Quantitative, HCG-Pregnancy, Quantitative ​
22678HCG-TMHCG, Tumor Marker, Serum
26103HLTHPANHealth Resources Panel
​Includes GLU, CREAT, ALT, and BLIPO (Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL Cholesterol, calculated LDL Cholesterol and NONHDL cholesterol).
26285HMUOESOHeavy Metal Occupational Exposure, with Reflex, Random, Urine (HMUOE)

​Arsenic (As)
As (Arsenic)
Cadmium (Cd)
Cd (Cadmium)
Hg (Mercury)
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Pb (Lead)

​Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead

If arsenic concentration is greater than or equal to 10 mcg/L, then speciation will be performed at an additional charge.

23110HMBSOHeavy Metals Screen, Blood (HMDB)
​Arsenic (As), As (Arsenic), Cadmium (Cd), Cd (Cadmium), Heavy Metals, Heavy Metals Screen - Blood, Hg (Mercury), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Metals Screen, Pb (Lead)​
​Arsenic (As)
Cadmium (Cd)
Mercury (Hg)
Lead (Pb)
24860HMETUSOHeavy Metals Screen, with Reflex, 24 Hour, Urine (HMU24)
Arsenic (As), As (Arsenic), Cadmium (Cd), Cd (Cadmium), Hg (Mercury), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Metals Screens, Pb (Lead), Toxicology Quantitative Screen, Metals

Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead

​If arsenic concentration is greater than or equal to 10 mcg/L, then speciation will be performed at an additional charge. 

25167HPYAGHelicobacter Pylori Antigen
​H. pylori antigen, H. pylori stool
25423UBTSOHelicobacter pylori Breath (UBT)
​13C Urea Breath Test, H. pylori Urea Breath Test, Ulcer Breath Test, Pylori, Helicobacter Breath Test, UBT, Urea Breath Test, BR UBTSO
26518HELISSOHelicobacter pylori Culture with Antimicrobial Susceptibilities, Varies (HELIS)

​H pylori, H. pylori, Helicobacter, pylori​​

Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin, Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Rifampin

25426MISCHelicobacter Pylori/Urea Breath Test
H. Pylori, H Pylori
​Testing is performed in Nuclear Medicine.  Their extension is 77787.  Use this as the primary in-house testing, outreach refer to Mayo Code UBT (Marshfield Lab code UBTSO).
​Packed cell volume​
26480P53CASOHematologic Neoplasms, TP53 Somatic Mutation, DNA Sequencing Exons 4-9, Varies (P53CA)

​​TP53, P53,CLL, BCLL

22521HCONHematology Consult
​​Slide for Pathologist, Pathology Slide, Heme Consult
Pathology review and interpretation.
22522FPBUNHemodialysis Profile-Female
Post Bun, Female, Post Dialysis Urea Nitrogen - Female​
Test includes: Post-dialysis urea nitrogen, height, weight, calculated total body water, urea reduction, delivered KT/V, and protein catabolic rate​
22523MPBUNHemodialysis Profile-Male
Post Bun, Male, Post Dialysis Urea Nitrogen - Male​
Test includes: Post-dialysis urea nitrogen, height, weight, calculated total body water, urea reduction, delivered KT/V, and protein catabolic rate​
22525GHHemoglobin A1C
​​Hgb A1C, Glycosylated Hemoglobin (GH), A1C, eAG, HbA1C, Glycemic Index
Hemoglobin A1C, eAG​
25574A1CPEDSHemoglobin A1C (Pediatrics Dept only)
​Point of Care A1c
​Hemoglobin A1c, eAG
25575A1C-POCHemoglobin A1C, Point of Care
​Point of Care A1c
​Hemoglobin A1c, eAG
26312HBESOHemoglobin Electrophoresis Evaluation, Blood (HBEL1)

​​A2 Hemoglobin, Alpha Globin Variant, Alpha Thalassemia, Barts Hemoglobin, Beta Globin Variant, Beta Thalassemia, H Disease, Hemoglobin A2, Hemoglobin Cascade, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Cascade Level 1, Hemoglobin Molecular studies, Hemoglobin Variant, HGB (Hemoglobin) Electrophoresis, Isoelectric Focusing, Capillary electrophoresis, HPLC, High performance liquid chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Microcytosis, Sickle cell, Sickling Test, Thalassemia

26015HGBPOHemoglobin Preop Anemia Screen
​Anemia Screen

Reflex testing for HGMPA, FERRIT and FETIBC

22538MISCHemoquant, Stool (HQ)
Blood Feces, Fecal Blood, Occult Blood Feces, Stool for Blood, Stool Hemoquant
26311HITABHeparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Antibodies

​Heparin Induced Antibody, HIT, PF4

​HIT antibody

Note: Testing will not be performed if patient has platelet counts >= 150,000.  Testing will be paused, the sample will be held for 5 days, after which testing will be cancelled and credited.  Please contact the lab for approval for testing of patients without thrombocytopenia.

22705APTTHHeparin Neutralization - APTT
Hepasorb Correction​
22539HEPLMWHeparin, Low Molecular Weight
​LMWH, Heparin, Low Mol Wt
22702HEPUFHeparin, Unfractionated
Heparin-unfract, Unfractionated Heparin​, Xa, Anti-Xa
22706A-MHepatitis A Antibody, IgM
​Hep A Virus Antibody - IgM, Anti-HAV (IgM), Hep A IgM-Ab​
22707AHepatitis A Antibody, Total
Anti-HAV, HAVAB, Hep A Virus Antibody​
22730HEPAHepatitis A Panel
Hepatitis A Antibody Total, Hepatitis A Antibody IgM (If needed).
22708ABC-MHepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM
Anti-HBc (IgM), Anti-HB Core (IgM)​
22709ABCHepatitis B Core Antibody, Total
Anti-HB Core, HB Core AB, Anti-HBc​
22710ABHepatitis B Surface Antibody (Qualitative & Quantitative)
HBsAb, Hepatitis Post-vaccine testing, Anti-HBs​
22711HAAHepatitis B Surface Antigen
Hepatitis, Australian Antigen, HBsAg, HAA​
26034HBSAGDVHepatitis B Surface Antigen, DaVita Dialysis
DaVita, Dialysis, Hepatitis, HBSAG
26586HBVQNSOHepatitis B Virus (HBV) DNA Detection and Quantification by Real-Time PCR, Serum (HBVQN)

​HBV DNA; HBV PCR; HBV Quantification; HBV DNA Quantitation; HBV Viral load; Hepatitis B Viral Load; Hepatitis B Quantitation​

22713HBVQTHepatitis B Virus PCR, Quant, NAM
​​HBV Viral Load, HBV NAM, Quantitative, Hep B DNA Quant, HBV DNA
22714HEP-BEHepatitis Be Antigen and Antibody (HEAG)
Hepatitis Be Profile
HBe profile
Anti-HBe profile
HBe antigen profile
HBeAg profile
22715HCVABHepatitis C Antibody
Anti-HCV, HCVAB, Anti-Hepatitis C Virus, Hepatitis C Antibody-EIA​
26143HCVGSOHepatitis C Genotype (HCVG)
HCV Genotype, S; HCVG; HCV Genotyping
22734HCVQTHepatitis C Virus, Quant., NAM
​HCV Viral Load, HCV NAM, Quantitative, Hep C RNA Quant, HCV RNA
26214AHDVSOHepatitis D Virus Total Antibodies, Serum (AHDV)

Anti-HDV total
Delta hepatitis
HDV total antibodies
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D virus
Hepatitis D virus antibodies
Hepatitis D total antibodies
Hepatitis delta total antibodies

Hepatitis D Virus Total Ab, S (AHDV)

26642HEVGSOHepatitis E Virus IgG Antibody, Serum (HEVG)

​Hepatitis E screen; Hepatitis E IgG antibody; Anti-hepatitis E IgG; HEV IgG antibody; Anti-HEV IgG

​HEV IgG Ab, S

26641HEVMSOHepatitis E Virus IgM Antibody Screen with Reflex to Confirmation, Serum (HEVM)

​Anti-HEV IgM; HEV IgM antibody; Anti-hepatitis E IgM; Hepatitis E IgM antibody; Hepatitis E screen

​HEV IgM Ab Screen, S

22736ASHepatitis Panel, Acute
Panel, Hepatitis Acute​
Hepatitis A Antibody IgM, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Hepatitis B Core Antibody IgM and Hepatitis C Antibody.
22737HEPPANHepatitis Panel, Comprehensive
Panel, Hepatitis Comprehensive​
Hepatitis A Antibody Total, Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Hepatitis B Core Antibody Total and Hepatitis C Antibody.
26082H2GEFSOHER2 Amp, Gastroesoph, FISH, Tissue (H2GE)

​c-erb-b2 Amplification Test, GE Junction Cancer, TI H2GEFSO

26080H2MTFSOHER2 Amp, Misc Tumor, FISH, Tissue (H2MT)

​​​c-erb-b2 Amplification Test

Colorectal adenocarcinoma

Uterine serous carcinoma

Endometrial serous carcinoma

HER2 Amplification, Miscellaneous Tumor, FISH, Tissue


26497HFETSOHereditary Hemochromatosis, HFE Variant Analysis, Varies (HFET)

​C282Y, H63D, Hereditary Hemochromatosis, HFE Gene, HFET, HHEMO, HLA-H Gene

25244HSVZVPHerpes Simplex and Varicella Zoster NAT Panel
​​​HSV and VZV by PCR, Derm panel
23099HS12PCRHerpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1/2 by Rapid PCR
26513HSVPBSOHerpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Molecular Detection, PCR, Blood (HSVPB)

​​Herpes Simplex Virus Detection by Real-Time PCR

HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

HSV Detection by Real-Time PCR


LightCycler HSV​

23194HSV12ABHerpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2 Antibody - IgG
HSV IgG Antibody, HSV IgG​
25112HBRHeterophile Blocking Reagent
HBR, Scantibodies, Heterophile Antibodies​
The analyte of interest must be commented at the time of the Heterophile Blocking Reagent (HBR) request (assay for which interference is suspected); example comment "TSH for HBR studies". ​
26417FHSTWSOHistamine, Whole Blood (FHSTW)

​Histamine Blood, Histamine, Histamine WB, Histamine Whole Blood, HIST-WB

26615HISERSOHistoplasma Antibody Complement Fixation and Immunodiffusion, Serum (HISER)

​Fungal serology; histo; Histoplasma capsulatum; Histoplasma Complement Fixation; Histoplasmosis; Immunodiffusion Serology for Fungi; HISER

25015HTAGUSOHistoplasma Antigen, Quantitative,  Urine (310)

​Histoplasma Capsulatum QNT AG


26199HTAGCSOHistoplasma Antigen, Quantitative, CSF and BF (310)

​Histoplasma Capsulatum QNT AG

Histoplasma, Quantitative EIA, CSF BF (310)​


25544HTAGSSOHistoplasma Antigen, Quantitative, Serum/Plasma (310)

​Histoplasma Capsulatum QNT AG

22748HIVPCRHIV RNA, Quantitative, NAM
​HIV 1 Quantitative NAM, Viral Load, HIV 1
26484HIVDXSOHIV-1 and HIV-2 Antigen and Antibody Diagnostic Evaluation, Plasma (HIVDX)

​​.​Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Anti-HIV, Anti-HIV-1/-2, HIV Types 1 and 2 Antibodies, HIV-1/-2, HIV-1/-2 Ab, HIV-1/-2 Ag/Ab, HIV-1/-2 Antibodies, HIV-1/-2 Antigen, HIV combo, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

​This test begins with HIV-1/-2 antigen and antibody screen by chemiluminescence immunoassay. If the screen result is reactive, then HIV-1/-2 antibody confirmation/differentiation test by immunochromatographic method is performed at an additional charge.

If the following result types are obtained from the HIV-1/-2 confirmation/differentiation test, HIV-1/HIV-2 RNA detection will be performed at an additional charge:

-Negative for both HIV-1 Ab and HIV-2 Ab

-Indeterminate for HIV-1 Ab but negative for HIV-2 Ab

-Negative for HIV-1 Ab but indeterminate for HIV-2 Ab

-Indeterminate for both HIV-1 Ab and HIV-2 Ab

-Positive for both HIV-1 Ab and HIV-2 Ab

If the following result types are obtained from the HIV-1/-2 confirmation/differentiation, HIV-1 RNA detection and quantification will be performed at an additional charge:

-Positive for HIV-1 Ab and negative for HIV-2 Ab

-Positive for HIV-1 Ab and indeterminate for HIV-2 Ab

26498HIVDRSOHIV-1 Genotypic Drug Resistance To Reverse Transcriptase, Protease, and Integrase Inhibitors, Plasma (HIVDR)

​AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), HIV Genotyping, HIV Resistance, HIV-1 Drug Resistance Mutation Analysis, HIV-1 Genotyping for Drug Resistance, HIV-1 Mutation Analysis, Next Gen Sequencing test, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

25500HIVDQSOHIV-1 RNA Detect/Quant, P (HIVQN)
​Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1) RNA, Viral Load, HIV-1 PCR, HIV-1 Quantitation, PCR, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, PCR, PCR, HIV-1 Quantitation, HIV viral load, HIV-1 viral load, HIV-1 RNA
HIV-1 RNA Detection & Quantitation 
23120HIVRHIV-1,2 Ab/Ag by EIA with Confirmation
HIV-1 Antibody, HIV-2 Antibody, HIV-1 p24 Antigen, HIV-1, HIV-2
Single qualitative result for reactivity of HIV-1,2 Antibody/Antigen, with automatic reflex to confirmatory testing.
22747EXPOSEHIV-1/2 Exposure Screen
26587HIP12SOHIV-1/HIV-2 RNA Detection, Plasma (HIP12)

​Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus); HIV-1 Detection; HIV-1 PCR; HIV-1 RNA; HIV-2 Detection; HIV-2 PCR; HIV-2 RNA​​

23380MISCHLA Antibody Detection and Identification
​Ref Lab Code: 2222, PRA Mini Screen, Platelet Reactive Antibody
26325HLAIDSOHLA Antibody ID Class I High Resolution (2226)


25235MISCHLA DRB1 and DQB1/DQA1 Low Resolution Typing (Class II)
Ref Lab Code:  2553, ​DQ2 may also be requested, histocompatability, transplant testing, work up on recipient or donor.
24736SDPHLA Matched Platelet
​​​​​HLA Platelet, Ref lab code HLATX (2303), HLAIDSO (2226)
22750HLATXHLA-AB Low Resolution (2303)
​Ref Lab Code: 2303, HLA Typing for Transplant
25234MISCHLA-ABC Low Resolution (Class 1)
Lab Ref Code:  2302, histocompatibility, transplant testing, work-up on recipient or donor
​Flow Cytometry, B27, B27-SO​
26445HLA27SOHLA-B27 Determination (2271)

​HLA-27, PCR (2271), HLA-B27 Determination

26066BBHold BB
​Draw and Hold, Blood Bank hold, BB hold
26148HCYSPSOHomocysteine, Total, Plasma (HCYSP)
Cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency (MTHFR), MTHFR deficiency, Methionine synthase deficiency, Cobalamin (Cbl) metabolism, Methyl-Cobalamin deficiency, Adenosyl-cobalamin deficiency, Cbl C2 deficiency, Cbl D2 deficiency, Cbl F3 deficiency, Cbl D-Var1 deficiency, Cbl E deficiency, Cbl G deficiency, Transcobalamin II deficiency, Adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) deficiency, Glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) deficiency, Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) I/III deficiency, Cobalamin C2 deficiencyCobalamin D2 deficiency, Cobalamin F3 deficiency, Cobalamin D-Variant 1 deficiency, Cobalamin E deficiency, Cobalamin G deficiency
26140HVARSOHomovanillic Acid (HVA), Random Urine (HVAR)

HVA (Homovanillic Acid)
Neuroblastoma Profile

Homovanillic Acid Rnd U (HVAR)

Homovanillic Acid, Random, Urine


26139HVASOHomovanillic Acid, 24 Hour, Urine (HVA)
HVA (Homovanillic Acid)
Neuroblastoma Profile
25592HEPRLHook Effect Prolactin
​Hook Effect, Prolactin
​Sample will be analyzed undiluted (1:1), as well as at 1:10, 1:100 and 1:1000 dilutions. Three results will be reported as follows.
HEPRL:   Hook Effect Prolactin (Presence or Absence of Hook Effect)
PROLAC: Prolactin (Final Prolactin result reported)
PRLDIL:  Hook Effect Final Dilution
26593HORIZSOHorizon Custom, Carrier Screening (CF/SMA)

​​​​Cystic Fibrosis

Spinal Muscular Atrophy
25481HPVGENOHPV-Human Papillomavirus Genotyping 16, 18/45(NAM)
HPV, ThinPrep, Genotyping
24875HTLVCSOHTLV-I/II Antibody Confirmation (HTLVL)
HTLV Confirmation, HTLV I/II Confirmation, HTLV I/II Line Immunoassay
22592Human Growth Hormone Stimulation with Insulin and L-Dopa
26640QHV6PSOHuman Herpesvirus-6 A and B DNA Detection and Quantification, PCR, Plasma (QHV6P)
26433HHV6SOHuman Herpesvirus-6, Molecular Detection, PCR, Plasma (HHV6)

Exanthem Subitum

Herpes Virus-6

HHV-6 (Human Herpes Virus-6)

Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)

Roseola Infantum

22594HPV-ONLHuman Papillomavirus (HPV)
​HPV, ThinPrep
26617HPVSOHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Detection with Genotyping, High-Risk Types by PCR, ThinPrep, Varies (HPV)

​​​High Risk HPV; HPV (Human Papillomavirus) PCR; Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotyping

23058HPVHLSOHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) High/Low Risk, In Situ Hybridization (HPVHL)
HPV (Human Papillomavirus), Papillomavirus, GPHPVHLISH, ISHPV611ISH, HPV E6/E7, ISRNAHPVE6E7ISH, ISHPVE6E7IISH, ISNEGHPVE6E7ISH, Surgical Pathology HPV DNA ISH (HPVHL), HPV High/Low Risk DNA ISH (HPVHL) 
26191HPVE6SOHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) High-Risk E6/E7, RNA in Situ Hybridization (HPVE6)


22591HTLVSOHuman T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Types I and II (HTLV-I/-II) Antibody Screen with Confirmation, Serum ( HTLVI)
HTLV Confirmation, HTLV I/II Confirmation, HTLV I/II Line Immunoassay
22595MISCHumoral Immune Status Survey [HISS]  (FHISS)
​Lab Ref Code:  91370
Diphtheria Antitoxoid ELISA, Strep Pneumoniae IgG Ab (7Sero) MAID, Tetanus Antitoxoid ELISA, Tetanus Antitoxoid ELISA, NEPH IgA, IgG, IgM, IgG subclasses, IgE​
26016MISCHuntington Disease, Molecular Analysis (HAD)
​HD, Huntington Chorea, Chorea, HTT
24779HYDROSOHydrocodone & Metabolites, Free S (45004)
Vicodin®, Hycodan®, Lortab®, Hysingla®, Zohydro®

​Hydrocodone, Hydromophone, Dihydrocodeine

26529MISCHypercholesterolemia Gene Panel, Varies (HCHLG)

Autosomal dominant familial hypercholesterolemia, Autosomal recessive familial, hypercholesterolemia, Familial hypercholesterolemia, FH, HeFH, HoFH, Hypercholesterolemia, LDLR, NextGen Sequencing Test, Sitosterolemia​​

This test utilizes next-generation sequencing to detect single nucleotide and copy number variants in 12 genes associated with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), sitosterolemia, and other monogenic forms of inherited hypercholesterolemia: ABCG5, ABCG8, APOB, APOE, CETP, CYP27A1, LDLR, LDLRAP1, LIPA, LPL, LRP6, and PCSK9. See Targeted Genes and Methodology Details for Hypercholesterolemia Gene Panel and Method Description for additional details.

Identification of a disease-causing variant may assist with diagnosis, prognosis, clinical management, recurrence risk assessment, familial screening, and genetic counseling for FH, sitosterolemia, and other monogenic forms of inherited hypercholesterolemia.

This test also reports homozygous status for the APOE E2 allele, a risk allele for type III hyperlipoproteinemia.​

26496FHSPPSOHypersensitivity Pneumonitis Panel (FHSPP)

​Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP)

Alternaria tenuis/alternata IgG
Aspergillus fumigatus IgG
Aureobasidium pullulans IgG
Laceyella sacchari IgG
Micropolyspora faeni IgG
Penicillium Chrysogenum/notatum IgG
Phoma betae IgG
Trchoderma viride IgG

22600HYPOGSOHypoglycemic Agent Screen, Serum (HYPOG)
Amaryl, Chlorpropamide, Dymelor, Glimepiride, Glipizide, Glucotrol, Glyburide, Meglitinides, Micronase, Prandin, Repaglinide, Sulfonylurea Hypoglycemic Serum, Sulfonylureas, Tolazamid(Tolinase), Acetohexamide (Dymelor), Orinase (Tolbutamide), Diabinese (Chlorpropamide)