If (the following glucose results pattern is present): Then (the following auto-comment is added):
Both meter glucose results are within 10% of the lab glucose value, this suggests the patient’s collection and analytical technique are acceptable, and that the meter is performing accurately. “Patient’s glucose meter technique appears adequate.”
Both meter glucose values exceed 10% bias versus the lab glucose value; this suggests that the meter is inaccurate. “>10% discrepancy between lab venous and glucose meter results.”
The meter’s capillary glucose bias is <=10.0%, but the meter’s venous glucose bias is >10% versus the lab, then the results cannot be interpreted, as the meter may not be accurate. “Unable to interpret patient glucose meter technique from these results.”
The meter’s venous glucose bias is <=10.0%, but the meter’s capillary glucose bias is >10.0 versus the lab, then the meter appears accurate but the patient’s technique is in question “Patient’s glucose meter technique may be inadequate.”