Reported as Positive, Equivocal or Negative
Positive: AI > or = 1.1, Equivocal: AI > 0.9 and < 1.0, Negative: AI < or = 0.8
This test is to be used only to establish serological status to measles virus. The reported AI value is for reference only.
A positive test result may be due to immunization or natural infection. A positive test has a high correlation with, but does not guarantee, immunity to measles.
A negative test result indicates a lack of antibody to the measles virus, marking the individual as a candidate for vaccination.
An equivocal result for this test indicates some reactivity of the individual's blood to the components of this test, but serological status cannot be determined. In such cases the patient may be retested once to detect sero-conversion; alternatively, vaccination may be considered.