Alternate Specimens: Saliva, assisted saliva, buccal swab and gDNA
The Invitae Breast Cancer Panel analyzes genes that are associated with hereditary predisposition to breast cancer. The genetic heterogeneity associated with these conditions can make it difficult to use phenotype as the sole criterion to select a definitive cause. These genes were curated based on the available evidence to date in order to provide analysis for hereditary breast cancer. Given the clinical overlap of hereditary susceptibility to breast cancer, broad panel testing allows for an efficient evaluation of several potential genes based on a single clinical indication. Some genes in this test may also be associated with additional unrelated disorders, which are not included in the list of disorders tested. Genetic testing of these genes may help confirm a clinical diagnosis, help predict disease prognosis and progression, facilitate early detection of symptoms, inform family planning and genetic counseling, or promote enrollment in clinical trials.
An interpretive report will be provided
An interpretive report will be provided