Acceptable Samples: Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) specimens, including cut slide specimens. Use standard fixation methods to preserve nucleic acid integrity. 10% neutral-buffered formalin for 6-72 hours is industry standard. DO NOT use other fixatives (Bouins, B5, AZF, Holland's). DO NOT decalcify.
When feasible, send the block + 1 H&E slide OR 10 unstained slides (positively charged and unbaked at 4-5 microns thick) + 1 H&E slide.
Surface area minimum: 25 mm2 (5 x 5 mm). If sending slides, send 10 unstained slides cut at 4-5 microns thick to achieve a tissue volume of 1 mm3. Specimens with smaller surface area may meet volume requirements by submitting additional unstained slides or blocks.
Required Tumor Content: OPTIMUM: 30% TN; MINIMUM: 20% TN
Percent tumor nuclei (%TN) = number of tumor cells divided by total number of all cells with nuclei.
*NOTE for liver specimens: higher tumor content may be required because hepatocyte nuclei have twice the DNA content of other somatic nuclei.