Collect sample by venipuncture, completely filling the two 10.0 mL blood collection tubes provided in the Guardant 360 kit. Mix by gentle inversion 10 times.
Complete the provided test requisition and barcode labels. Place a label on each tube with the barcode in the vertical position and also on the requisition.
The completed requisition can be placed into the outer pocket of the specimen bag and the blood tubes placed into the foam. Place the foam into the specimen bag and ensure the bag is closed. Place filled specimen bag into the box on top of one of the gel packs. **DO NOT FREEZE GEL PACKS. USE AS IS.** Place the 2nd gel pack on top of the specimen bag and close the box. Place the kit into the preprinted FedEx Clinical Pak for shipping. Proper insulation may be required for shipment during extreme temperature conditions.
Specimen must be received at the reference laboratory within 7 days from the time of collection.