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26381 Specialized, Pneumococcal IgG (23 Serotypes) (401835P)

Specialized, Pneumococcal IgG (23 Serotypes) (401835P)
Test Code: PAB23SO

​​​​​​​​Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (23 Serotypes) (401835P)

Pneumococcal Antibody (IgG) 23 Serotype Panel
Strep Antibodies
Strep Pneumo Antibodies
Strep Pneumoniae Antibody
Strep Vaccine
Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Useful For

​This is a specialized test. It is typically ordered by an Immunologist or Allergist. For all other standard screenings for Pneumococcal IgG – 23 Serotype, see test code PREPNSO.​

Specimen Requirements
Fasting RequiredSpecimen TypePreferred Container/TubeAcceptable Container/TubeSpecimen VolumeSpecimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​No​Serum​Serum Separator Tube (SST)​Red Top Tube (RTT)​1 mL​100 ul
Collection Processing Instructions

​Specimens shipped at ambient or refrigerated temperature must be received within 6 weeks of collection.

​Specimens shipped frozen must be received within 24 months of collection.

Specimen Stability Information
Specimen TypeTemperatureTime
​Serum ​ ​​Ambient​6 weeks
​Refrigerated​6 weeks
​Frozen​24 months
Rejection Criteria

Gross Hemolysis, Gross Lipemia

Performing Laboratory Information
Performing LocationDay(s) Test PerformedAnalytical TimeMethodology/Instrumentation
​Eurofins Viracor ​Monday through Friday​7 days​Fluoroimmunoassay Luminex Multiplex platform
Reference Lab
Test Information

​A common method for evaluating suspected antibody deficiency is to immunize the patient with an appropriately selected vaccine, such as Pneumococcal, and determine vaccine-specific antibody concentrations in a serum sample 4-8 weeks post-immunization compared to a pre-immunization sample.​

Reference Range Information
Performing LocationReference Range
​Eurofins Viracor ​
Normal Value
1 (1)
 > 1.3 ug/mL
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
8 (8)
9N (9)
12F (12)
14 (14)
17F (17)
19F (19)
20 (20)
22F (22)
23F (23)
6B (26)
10A (34)
11A (43)
7F (51)
15B (54)
18C (56)
19A (57)
9V (68)
33F (70)
Outreach CPTs
(if needed)


​​​​​​​​Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (23 Serotypes) (401835P)

Pneumococcal Antibody (IgG) 23 Serotype Panel
Strep Antibodies
Strep Pneumo Antibodies
Strep Pneumoniae Antibody
Strep Vaccine
Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Ordering Applications
Ordering ApplicationDescription
​COM​Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (23 Serotypes)
​Cerner​Pneumococcal Antibody Panel (23 Serotypes)
If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Fasting RequiredSpecimen TypePreferred Container/TubeAcceptable Container/TubeSpecimen VolumeSpecimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)
​No​Serum​Serum Separator Tube (SST)​Red Top Tube (RTT)​1 mL​100 ul
Collection Processing

​Specimens shipped at ambient or refrigerated temperature must be received within 6 weeks of collection.

​Specimens shipped frozen must be received within 24 months of collection.

Specimen Stability Information
Specimen TypeTemperatureTime
​Serum ​ ​​Ambient​6 weeks
​Refrigerated​6 weeks
​Frozen​24 months
Rejection Criteria

Gross Hemolysis, Gross Lipemia

Useful For

​This is a specialized test. It is typically ordered by an Immunologist or Allergist. For all other standard screenings for Pneumococcal IgG – 23 Serotype, see test code PREPNSO.​

Reference Range Information
Performing LocationReference Range
​Eurofins Viracor ​
Normal Value
1 (1)
 > 1.3 ug/mL
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
8 (8)
9N (9)
12F (12)
14 (14)
17F (17)
19F (19)
20 (20)
22F (22)
23F (23)
6B (26)
10A (34)
11A (43)
7F (51)
15B (54)
18C (56)
19A (57)
9V (68)
33F (70)
For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing LocationDay(s) Test PerformedAnalytical TimeMethodology/Instrumentation
​Eurofins Viracor ​Monday through Friday​7 days​Fluoroimmunoassay Luminex Multiplex platform
Reference Lab
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
(if needed)

For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.