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26503 Toxoplasma gondii PCR (PTOX)

Toxoplasma gondii PCR (PTOX)
Test Code: PTOXSO

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)​

Useful For

​Supporting the diagnosis of acute cerebral, ocular, disseminated, or congenital toxoplasmosis.

This should not be used to screen healthy patients.

Specimen Requirements
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:


Specimen Type
Preferred Container/TubeAcceptable Container/TubeSpecimen VolumeSpecimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)

​Amniotic fluid
​Sterile container

​0.5 mL​
​0.3 mL

​Spinal fluid
​Sarstedt 5 mL Aliquot Tube (T914)
​Sterile vial
​0.5 mL
​0.3 mL

​Fresh tissue

​Sterile container with 1 to 2 mL of sterile saline
​Entire collection
​2x2 mm biopsy

​Ocular fluid
​Sarstedt 5 mL Aliqout Tube (T914)

​0.3 mL
​0.3 mL
Collection Processing Instructions

​Specimen source is required.

Amniotic fluid collection instructions: Do not centrifuge.

Spinal fluid collection instructions: Do not centrifuge.

Fresh tissue collection instructions: Submit only fresh tissue in a sterile container containing 1 mL to 2 mL of sterile salin​e or multi-microbe medium (M4-RT, M4, or M5).

Ocular fluid collection instructions: Aliquot collected fluid into screw-cap vial. Do not submit ocular fluid in a syringe. Do not centrifuge or dilute the specimen.

Specimen Stability Information
Specimen TypeTemperatureTime



​Refrigerated (preferred)
​7 days

​7 days
Rejection Criteria

Heat-inactivated specimen


This assay is designed for use in patients with a clinical history and symptoms consistent with toxoplasmosis and is not for screening healthy patients. Depending on the population, varying percentages of patients may be found to be positive.

Results should be interpreted with consideration of clinical and laboratory findings. A negative result does not indicate absence of disease. Reliable results depend on adequate specimen collection and the absence of inhibiting substances.

Performing Laboratory Information
Performing LocationDay(s) Test PerformedAnalytical TimeMethodology/Instrumentation

​Mayo Clinic Laboratories
​Monday through Saturday
​​1-4 days
​Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)/DNA Probe Hybridization
Reference Lab
Test Information

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that is capable of infecting a variety of intermediate hosts including humans. Infected definitive hosts (cats) shed oocysts in feces, and these rapidly mature in the soil and become infectious.(1) Toxoplasmosis is acquired by humans through ingestion of food or water contaminated with cat feces containing oocysts or through eating undercooked meat containing viable tissue cysts. Vertical transmission of the parasite through the placenta can also occur, leading to congenital toxoplasmosis. Following primary infection, T gondii can remain latent for the life of the host; the risk for reactivation is highest among immunosuppressed individuals.

Seroprevalence studies performed in the United States indicate that approximately 9% to 11% of individuals between the ages of 6 and 49 have antibodies to T gondii.(2,3)

Infection of immunocompetent adults is typically asymptomatic. In symptomatic cases, patients most commonly present with lymphadenopathy and other nonspecific constitutional symptoms, making definitive diagnosis difficult to determine.

Severe-to-fatal infections can occur among patients with AIDS and other individuals with profound immune compromise. These infections are usually due to reactivation of latent infections and commonly involved the central nervous system.(4,5)

Transplacental transmission of the parasites resulting in congenital toxoplasmosis most often occurs during primary maternal infection and rarely after reactivation in an immunocompromised pregnant woman. The risk of fetal infection is a function of the time at which acute maternal infection occurs during gestation.(6,7) The incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis increases as pregnancy progresses; conversely, the severity of congenital toxoplasmosis is greatest when maternal infection is acquired early during pregnancy. A majority of infants infected in utero are asymptomatic at birth, particularly if maternal infection occurs during the third trimester, with sequelae appearing later in life. Congenital toxoplasmosis results in severe generalized or neurologic disease in about 20% to 30% of the infants infected in utero; approximately 10% exhibit ocular involvement only and the remainder are asymptomatic at birth. Subclinical infection may result in premature delivery and subsequent neurologic, intellectual, and audiologic defects.

Serology is the traditional method for diagnosing toxoplasmosis and ascertaining the previous exposure history of the host. However, serology may be unreliable or challenging to interpret in immunocompromised patients and in suspected intrauterine infection. Detection of T gondii DNA by polymerase chain reaction has proven to be a rapid and reliable alternative or supportive method for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.

Reference Range Information
Performing LocationReference Range

​Mayo Clinic Laboratories

A positive result indicates presence of DNA from Toxoplasma gondii.

Negative results indicate absence of detectable DNA but do not exclude the presence of organism or active or recent disease.

Outreach CPTs
(if needed)



Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)​

Ordering Applications
Ordering ApplicationDescription

​Toxoplasma gondii PCR (PTOX)

​Toxoplasma gondii PCR (PTOX)​

If the ordering application you are looking for is not listed, contact your local laboratory for assistance.
Specimen Requirements
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:


Specimen Type
Preferred Container/TubeAcceptable Container/TubeSpecimen VolumeSpecimen Minimum Volume
(allows for 1 repeat)
Pediatric Minimum Volume
(no repeat)

​Amniotic fluid
​Sterile container

​0.5 mL​
​0.3 mL

​Spinal fluid
​Sarstedt 5 mL Aliquot Tube (T914)
​Sterile vial
​0.5 mL
​0.3 mL

​Fresh tissue

​Sterile container with 1 to 2 mL of sterile saline
​Entire collection
​2x2 mm biopsy

​Ocular fluid
​Sarstedt 5 mL Aliqout Tube (T914)

​0.3 mL
​0.3 mL
Collection Processing

​Specimen source is required.

Amniotic fluid collection instructions: Do not centrifuge.

Spinal fluid collection instructions: Do not centrifuge.

Fresh tissue collection instructions: Submit only fresh tissue in a sterile container containing 1 mL to 2 mL of sterile salin​e or multi-microbe medium (M4-RT, M4, or M5).

Ocular fluid collection instructions: Aliquot collected fluid into screw-cap vial. Do not submit ocular fluid in a syringe. Do not centrifuge or dilute the specimen.

Specimen Stability Information
Specimen TypeTemperatureTime



​Refrigerated (preferred)
​7 days

​7 days
Rejection Criteria

Heat-inactivated specimen


This assay is designed for use in patients with a clinical history and symptoms consistent with toxoplasmosis and is not for screening healthy patients. Depending on the population, varying percentages of patients may be found to be positive.

Results should be interpreted with consideration of clinical and laboratory findings. A negative result does not indicate absence of disease. Reliable results depend on adequate specimen collection and the absence of inhibiting substances.

Useful For

​Supporting the diagnosis of acute cerebral, ocular, disseminated, or congenital toxoplasmosis.

This should not be used to screen healthy patients.

Reference Range Information
Performing LocationReference Range

​Mayo Clinic Laboratories

A positive result indicates presence of DNA from Toxoplasma gondii.

Negative results indicate absence of detectable DNA but do not exclude the presence of organism or active or recent disease.

For more information visit:
Performing Laboratory Information
Performing LocationDay(s) Test PerformedAnalytical TimeMethodology/Instrumentation

​Mayo Clinic Laboratories
​Monday through Saturday
​​1-4 days
​Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)/DNA Probe Hybridization
Reference Lab
For billing questions, see Contacts
Outreach CPTs
(if needed)


For most current information refer to the Marshfield Laboratory online reference manual.